Early Childhood Values and Moral Reasoning in Hus Fairy Tales! Hus! Works by Izzah Annisa and A. Muktiriana


  • Kasmiati Universitas Islam Negeri Datokarama Palu, Palu Barat, Palu, Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia
  • Cesilia Prawening Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Purwokerto, Karangklesem, Purwokerto selatan, Banyumas, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
  • Supriyono UPBJJ-Universitas Terbuka Purwokerto, Dukuhbandong, Grendeng, Purwokerto Utara, Banyumas, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia


Fairy Tales, Moral Values, Moral Reasoning.


The study aims to examine the moral values and moral reasoning that exist in the fairy tale book Hus! Hus! Works by Izzah Annisa and A. Muktiriana. Moral is defined as an act of wrong and right that applies in the sphere of society, while moral reasoning is the process of reasoning and feeling about the standards of right and wrong actions. Furthermore, the value and moral reasoning conveyed by the main character in the fairy tale book Hus! Hus! An in-depth study is carried out using qualitative methods in accordance with the procedure that will produce data in the form of written words. The research technique chosen is a literature study that focuses on the elements of moral value in fairy tale books and moral reasoning found in Hus! Hus!. The primary data to be studied is sourced from the text and images in the book Hus! Hus!. Researchers use recording techniques and literature in obtaining the required data. The analysis obtained in this study is (1) the existence of moral values that are covered in the form of obedience to parents who play the role of the main character by prioritizing egosity like an early childhood; (2) moral reasoning reflected by the main character who is like early childhood is a pre-conventional level of moral reasoning oriented towards obedience and punishment with the main character anthasanist who is suffering




How to Cite

Kasmiati, Cesilia Prawening, & Supriyono. (2022). Early Childhood Values and Moral Reasoning in Hus Fairy Tales! Hus! Works by Izzah Annisa and A. Muktiriana. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE (ICHSS), 730–735. Retrieved from http://www.programdoktorpbiuns.org/index.php/proceedings/article/view/99